Arabesque Application Procedure in Isfahan SchoolComparative Study of Samples Obtained from Aligapoo, Chehel Sotoon and Hasht Behesht Palaces [Volume 03, Vol.5, , Pages 15-22]
Animal Motif
A Study of Animal Motifs in Turkmen Carpets [Volume 03, vol.4, , Pages 39-50]
Arabesque Application Procedure in Isfahan SchoolComparative Study of Samples Obtained from Aligapoo, Chehel Sotoon and Hasht Behesht Palaces [Volume 03, Vol.5, , Pages 15-22]
Architectural Education
Concept in Architecture; A Necessity in Design Process and Challenges of its Education in Architecture Colleges [Volume 03, vol.4, , Pages 73-80]
Concept in Architecture; A Necessity in Design Process and Challenges of its Education in Architecture Colleges [Volume 03, vol.4, , Pages 73-80]
Arms (joints)
Silence, Stillness and Motion in MashghSquare [Volume 03, vol.4, , Pages 59-71]
Baisonghor’s Kelileh and Demneh
Ritual – Mythological Reading Representations Engaging in Persepolis and Baisonghor’s Kelileh and Demneh [Volume 03, Vol.5, , Pages 35-44]
Bakhtiarie Tribe
The comparative study of design and color in Nomadic Ropes of Bakhtiari and Ghashghaie Tribes [Volume 03, Vol.5, , Pages 45-57]
Arabesque Application Procedure in Isfahan SchoolComparative Study of Samples Obtained from Aligapoo, Chehel Sotoon and Hasht Behesht Palaces [Volume 03, Vol.5, , Pages 15-22]
China Sancai
Sprinkled Glaze Technique in the Pottery of Iran and China [Volume 03, vol.4, , Pages 5-14]
A Survey of the Function of TchoghaZanbil Water Structure [Volume 03, vol.4, , Pages 15-24]
Concept in Architecture; A Necessity in Design Process and Challenges of its Education in Architecture Colleges [Volume 03, vol.4, , Pages 73-80]
Decorative Kufi
A Comparison of Kufic Plaster Inscriptions of the Phrase “In the Name of God” in Iran
(With an Emphasis on Seljuk and Ilkhanid Periods) [Volume 03, vol.4, , Pages 25-38]
Design and Color
The comparative study of design and color in Nomadic Ropes of Bakhtiari and Ghashghaie Tribes [Volume 03, Vol.5, , Pages 45-57]
Design Process
Concept in Architecture; A Necessity in Design Process and Challenges of its Education in Architecture Colleges [Volume 03, vol.4, , Pages 73-80]
Drainage Element
A Survey of the Function of TchoghaZanbil Water Structure [Volume 03, vol.4, , Pages 15-24]
Economic Development
Effects of Art - Tourism Industry and Economic Development in OECD Countries in 2010 and 2013 [Volume 03, Vol.5, , Pages 59-67]
Function Survey
A Survey of the Function of TchoghaZanbil Water Structure [Volume 03, vol.4, , Pages 15-24]
Ghahve Khane Painting
A Survey of Sound and Illustration Adaptation in Ghahve Khane Painting and Narration [Volume 03, Vol.5, , Pages 5-12]
Ghashghaie Tribe
The comparative study of design and color in Nomadic Ropes of Bakhtiari and Ghashghaie Tribes [Volume 03, Vol.5, , Pages 45-57]
Handicraft Rope
The comparative study of design and color in Nomadic Ropes of Bakhtiari and Ghashghaie Tribes [Volume 03, Vol.5, , Pages 45-57]
Investigating the Relationship between Tourism and Handicrafts in Kordestan [Volume 03, Vol.5, , Pages 67-78]
Hasht Behesht
Arabesque Application Procedure in Isfahan SchoolComparative Study of Samples Obtained from Aligapoo, Chehel Sotoon and Hasht Behesht Palaces [Volume 03, Vol.5, , Pages 15-22]
Historical Urban Space
Silence, Stillness and Motion in MashghSquare [Volume 03, vol.4, , Pages 59-71]
Ilkhanid period
Evolution of Shape in Late Islamic Seals [Volume 03, Vol.5, , Pages 13-20]
Effects of Art - Tourism Industry and Economic Development in OECD Countries in 2010 and 2013 [Volume 03, Vol.5, , Pages 59-67]
Isfahani School
Arabesque Application Procedure in Isfahan SchoolComparative Study of Samples Obtained from Aligapoo, Chehel Sotoon and Hasht Behesht Palaces [Volume 03, Vol.5, , Pages 15-22]
Islamic Seals
Evolution of Shape in Late Islamic Seals [Volume 03, Vol.5, , Pages 13-20]
Investigating the Relationship between Tourism and Handicrafts in Kordestan [Volume 03, Vol.5, , Pages 67-78]
Silence, Stillness and Motion in MashghSquare [Volume 03, vol.4, , Pages 59-71]
Mithraism rituals
Ritual – Mythological Reading Representations Engaging in Persepolis and Baisonghor’s Kelileh and Demneh [Volume 03, Vol.5, , Pages 35-44]
Molded Cornice
A Comparison of Kufic Plaster Inscriptions of the Phrase “In the Name of God” in Iran
(With an Emphasis on Seljuk and Ilkhanid Periods) [Volume 03, vol.4, , Pages 25-38]
A Survey of Sound and Illustration Adaptation in Ghahve Khane Painting and Narration [Volume 03, Vol.5, , Pages 5-12]
Narration of Shahnama Stories
A Survey of Sound and Illustration Adaptation in Ghahve Khane Painting and Narration [Volume 03, Vol.5, , Pages 5-12]
Nishapur Pottery
Sprinkled Glaze Technique in the Pottery of Iran and China [Volume 03, vol.4, , Pages 5-14]
Nomadic Texture
The comparative study of design and color in Nomadic Ropes of Bakhtiari and Ghashghaie Tribes [Volume 03, Vol.5, , Pages 45-57]
OECD's Countries
Effects of Art - Tourism Industry and Economic Development in OECD Countries in 2010 and 2013 [Volume 03, Vol.5, , Pages 59-67]
Ritual – Mythological Reading Representations Engaging in Persepolis and Baisonghor’s Kelileh and Demneh [Volume 03, Vol.5, , Pages 35-44]
A Survey of Sound and Illustration Adaptation in Ghahve Khane Painting and Narration [Volume 03, Vol.5, , Pages 5-12]
Pierce semiotic theory
Semiotic Study of Sarbineh motifs in Shiraz Vakil Bathroom [Volume 03, Vol.5, , Pages 23-34]
Plaster Inscription
A Comparison of Kufic Plaster Inscriptions of the Phrase “In the Name of God” in Iran
(With an Emphasis on Seljuk and Ilkhanid Periods) [Volume 03, vol.4, , Pages 25-38]
Purification Plant
A Survey of the Function of TchoghaZanbil Water Structure [Volume 03, vol.4, , Pages 15-24]
Qajar illustration
Semiotic Study of Sarbineh motifs in Shiraz Vakil Bathroom [Volume 03, Vol.5, , Pages 23-34]
Qajar Period
Evolution of Shape in Late Islamic Seals [Volume 03, Vol.5, , Pages 13-20]
Semiotic Study of Sarbineh motifs in Shiraz Vakil Bathroom [Volume 03, Vol.5, , Pages 23-34]
Seal Studies
Evolution of Shape in Late Islamic Seals [Volume 03, Vol.5, , Pages 13-20]
Effects of Art - Tourism Industry and Economic Development in OECD Countries in 2010 and 2013 [Volume 03, Vol.5, , Pages 59-67]
Shape of Seals
Evolution of Shape in Late Islamic Seals [Volume 03, Vol.5, , Pages 13-20]
Shiraz Vakil bathroom
Semiotic Study of Sarbineh motifs in Shiraz Vakil Bathroom [Volume 03, Vol.5, , Pages 23-34]
Simple Kufi
A Comparison of Kufic Plaster Inscriptions of the Phrase “In the Name of God” in Iran
(With an Emphasis on Seljuk and Ilkhanid Periods) [Volume 03, vol.4, , Pages 25-38]
A Survey of Sound and Illustration Adaptation in Ghahve Khane Painting and Narration [Volume 03, Vol.5, , Pages 5-12]
Sprinkled Glaze
Sprinkled Glaze Technique in the Pottery of Iran and China [Volume 03, vol.4, , Pages 5-14]
A Study of Animal Motifs in Turkmen Carpets [Volume 03, vol.4, , Pages 39-50]
Sprinkled Glaze Technique in the Pottery of Iran and China [Volume 03, vol.4, , Pages 5-14]
Tchogha Zanbil Water Structure
A Survey of the Function of TchoghaZanbil Water Structure [Volume 03, vol.4, , Pages 15-24]
Terming the Seals
Evolution of Shape in Late Islamic Seals [Volume 03, Vol.5, , Pages 13-20]
The Letters
A Comparison of Kufic Plaster Inscriptions of the Phrase “In the Name of God” in Iran
(With an Emphasis on Seljuk and Ilkhanid Periods) [Volume 03, vol.4, , Pages 25-38]
Effects of Art - Tourism Industry and Economic Development in OECD Countries in 2010 and 2013 [Volume 03, Vol.5, , Pages 59-67]
Investigating the Relationship between Tourism and Handicrafts in Kordestan [Volume 03, Vol.5, , Pages 67-78]
Tourism Absorption
Investigating the Relationship between Tourism and Handicrafts in Kordestan [Volume 03, Vol.5, , Pages 67-78]
Turkmen Carpets
A Study of Animal Motifs in Turkmen Carpets [Volume 03, vol.4, , Pages 39-50]
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