The Role of Rug in Contemporary Art Works

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Architecture and Art, University of Kashan

2 M.A. Student, Faculty of Architecture and Art, University of Kashan


he study and search about rug in the contemporary art is very important. The styles of different arts in recent years create vast changes in arts; And the rug as an artistic industry is not an expeception. In this study the different roles of rug in the contemporary art of Iran and other parts of world is studied in order to reply  this question that what effects have the contemporary changes on the role of the rugs and carpets. And weather these effects influenced or arise the new usage of rugs. Therefor the main idea of this article is to reconsider the function and impact of rugs in the current era. The research method is descriptive-analytic and the data used are obtained by documentry methods. This research points out that the rug as an artistic industry never losts its function and positon which revolves physical and moral needs; But due to changes and mental exaltation contemporary artists have explicite look on some other quanlities to keep hidden values of rugs. In the other side it should be remembered that contemporary artists are habited to place the rug as the maine concept of contemporary art works and in most cases this concept is not to remember this industry as an art; because in most cases the concept of conteporary art works is not relevant to the artistical or aestical concepts relevent to the rug.
