The Evaluation of Security Role in Urban Night Life and Vitality (Center city of Marand and Emam Khomeyni Street, Between Shaheed Ranjbari Street and 7 Tir Street)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Shahid Rajaee Training University

2 M.A. Student, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Shahid Rajaee Training University


Until the late 60th century, global trends focused on rebuilding the cities and restoring economic strength. Day time was the most important time of the life and spare time or night time was considered as vain. However, the limitations of time structure resulted from urban life caused a focus on benefiting the time in access, the night life and the continuity of collective life in the hours after the daily work. Most daily activities are intended to carry out the affairs of people and make their living. Thus, the best time to attend urban space (which is based on experiencing a sense of citizenship and communicating and interacting with others) is after sunset and at night. While unfortunately, in most cities, especially small towns, urban life and its vitality is rested before darkness and city experiences a dead time free of fresh and lively night life.
Among principal factors effecting on public urban night life and vitality is the promotion of urban security, both physically and mentally. Because the lack of security in public spaces helps to abnormal behaviors. Therefore, it is reduced the hours of citizen’s presence in urban areas and the spaces is reduced. This paper aims to respond to this question that how vitality of urban public spaces at night could be achieved through promotion of security. This research extract axes and common security issues using qualitative content analysis of specialized texts, in order to achieve the vitality of the environment. The findings indicate that If a planned scientific approach is executed to increase safety of urban spaces at night, by increasing the amount of mixing land uses, Visual and physical permeability, overnight proper lighting and proper design of the physical environment of spaces, it can increase the perceived sense of security. As a result, it can improve the quality of urban life which have important role in increasing vitality and urban night
