The Animal Motifs in the Avesta in the Decoration of the Sassanian Metal Dishes

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Islamic Arts, Tabriz Islamic Art University, Tabriz, Iran

2 M.A. student, Faculty of Islamic Arts, Tabriz Islamic Art University, Tabriz, Iran


The aim and issue of the research is to evaluate the references of Sassanid era artists to Avesta texts to Sassanian era of decorate of metal dishes. To select the statistical community in this article, 45 of Sassanian era metal dishes were investigated, that were chosen among them 15 were selected which were include indicators related to Sassanian religious texts. The method of collecting was library information and also the selection of samples and imaging has been made from scientific books. Considering the great use of animal designs in decorating the works of the metal of Sassanian era, the following questions can be asked: What was the aim of using animal designs on the motifs deshes of this period? What place has each role? Are the concepts of animal designs related to Sassanian religious themes? The data from this research show that animals in Avesta religious texts much has been mentioned such as:Horses, cows, ewes, hen and grains, goats, cocks, tigers, hogs, rams, eagles, lions, and simorgh that also in the Sassanian metal deshes thise animals have found an objective symbol .The study of ancient Iranian art during the period from the Median to the end of the Sassanid period indicates a deep link between Zoroastrian art and religion, in the same way that most of the remaining valuable works are based on the spiritual themes related to the beliefs and beliefs of Zoroastrian religion and images. And the artistic symbols in various arts and architecture are all of the traditional and allegorical features of Zoroastrian religion. The symbolic designs that have been established over time in the national and mythological culture of Iran and have always been the opposition between good and evil, truth and untruth, and darkness and light have been influenced by Zoroastrianism in Iranian art. The art of pre-Islamic Iran, such as the art of the Achaemenid era, has been blended with the methods and forms used in foreign cultures, but the alienated elements have also given the Zoroastrian effect. Ancient Iranian art, especially during the Achaemenid and Sasanian periods, has been formed on the basis of Zoroastrianism, universology, and humanology.


Main Subjects

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