The Semilogical Study of Lorestan Tribal Clothing and its Efficiency on Cultural Identity

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.A. Department of Fabric, Textile and Cloth Design, Islamic Azad University, Qaemshahr Branch, Qaemshahr, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Textile & Cloth, Islamic Azad University, Qaemshahr Branch, Qaemshahr, Iran

3 Phd Student, Department of art and architecture, IAU, Tehran, Iran


Clothing is one of the most significant tools in formation and development of a culture. After the age of structuralism and modernism, the researchers in postmodernism era, have paid a peculiar attention to the past traditions, religion and the art of tribes. Accordingly, a wide range of studies have been done on patterns, symbols and art of ethnic groups. The semiotic approach was presented by Saussure and pierce’s view in the  first half of 20th century and was used in many applied researchers in order to read the structural and semantic system of signs and symbols in artworks. Analytical reading of tribal clothing with a semiotic approach, will face us with deep cultural layers and acquaints us with understanding the ideology and the native culture within the civilizations. In the research process, we will study the used elements in clothes (men’s and women’s) such as shape, color and motifs. Understanding symbolic signs, icons and hyper-icons in clothes, acquaints us with a set of valued systems and aesthetic, individual, social and cultural functions of ethnic groups. This research was done on 13 samples from some clothes and accessories of Lorestan ethnic groups in order to identify the signs and symbols in determining their culture, customs and clothing. The research is a qualitative- applied and its analysis is inferential- Descriptive. Collecting data was library and field method through Cultural Heritage library, museum of anthropology and traditional markets. The result of the studies show that in forming Lorestan tribes’ clothing, some factors such as national and religious beliefs, customs, religion and climate are effective. The influence of these factors in the shape, design, color, fabric and utilizing the combination of cultural- economic instruments in a piece of clothing indicates the complete Coverage, authenticity, beauty and respect of these ethnic groups on individuals and society.


Main Subjects

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