A study of the Form and Function of Qajar Goblet and Decanter as a Model for Contemporary Utensil Design

Document Type : Research Paper


1 B.A. in Industrial Design, Department of Industrial Design, Faculty of Art, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran

2 Lecturer, Department of Industrial Design, Faculty of Art, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran


Dining table is not only a place to gather for food and drink, but it also the art and culture of people throughout time. Related cultural traditions and rituals pass from generation to generation. Through the utensil use as significantly as the victuals. Persian lifestyle and culture has long played a major role in shaping the dining table utensil. The contemporary designs, however, are not much indicative of the Persian heritage particularly in case of dishes for drinks. Crystal and porcelain dishes modelled on Chinese, Japanese and Czech designs clutter in the market. In addition, most people show little willingness to include dishes with old design on their table. This study deals with the question of how to model modern design characterized with Persian- Islamic art. In so doing, it is attempted to design drinking utensils based on Qajar goblet and decanter which can be considered as then successful product and a reminiscent of past culture. The research methodology is descriptive- analytic and the required data was collected through archive as well as the analysis of the paintings of Isfahan places and the decanters of Safavid and Qajar eras. Tracing back the Qajar model to its Safavid precursor certain characteristic features of Persian design were extracted. The model was then investigated from an aesthetic perspective to drive the key design based on Persian art. Focusing on design principles such as order, rhythm, point of commonality and axis definition, the proposed model based on Qajar design creates Persian identity and cultural base for contemporary products. Emotional design approach consiste of three levels. Considering the visceral level, the study focused on form design, weigh, color and the touch of the product to impress people. Ergonomic rules and the catch of the product were taken in to consideration at the behavioral level. The reflective level was consolidated through following Isfahan artistic style as well as the pattern and form of Qajar decanter and goblets.


Main Subjects

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