Iconography of Goodarz I Coins Based on the Coins Documentary of the Parthian Dark Era

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D Student, Departments of Persian & Arab Languages Ancient, Faculty of Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, IAU, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Departments of Linguistics, Faculty of Persian literature and foreign languages, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Departments of Persian & Arab Languages Ancient, ,Faculty of Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences , IAU, Tehran, Iran


The Dark Age (which lasted from Goodarz I to Farhad III) According to sources, the Parthians are ethnically related to the Dāhe tribe, a nomadic tribe in the Transoxiana region and the southern plains of Sabiri. The effect of the yellow tribes' pressure on the other tribes of the region caused the tribes of the region to turn to the west. Among these tribes are the Dāhe tribe, the Dāhe tribe mixed with the Yellow tribes in the area due to migration. This tribe is one of the white Sakāī tribes who came into contact with the yellow tribes. Immigrant skin of the region was influenced by their customs and beliefs. Numismatics and symbolism of this study indicate the conscious use of Greek symbols by the Parthians, changing these symbols in order to establish indigenous traditions and use these symbols in the legitimacy of the Parthian government. We do not have general and original information and due to being vague and with the disappearance of a lot of available evidence We will examine the role of icons on and on the back of coins and their classification and typology. The purpose is to compare coins with each other, which has helped the historical and numismatics section of this period. It is a tool to classify and compare coins with each other. The research method is classification and typology. Recognition of images of coins has been done through the approach of calligraphy and iconography.


Main Subjects

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Website: parthia,
https://www.parthia.com/ Accessed at 15/05/2019