Perception of City Entrances in Term of User's Sexual Variety [Case Study: Sanandaj City's Entrance- From Hamedan City]

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associated Professor of Urban Design, Architecture & Urban Design Faculty, Tabriz Islamic Art University, Tabriz, Iran

2 PhD researcher in Islamic Urban Planning, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tabriz University of Islamic Arts, Tabriz, East Azerbaijan, Iran

3 Master of Urban Design, Urban Design & Architecture Faculty, Tabriz Islamic Art University, Tabriz, Iran


In Iran, the entrance of cities does not have a suitable position. Large-scale, unspecified entry limits, uneven growth, and lack of codified programs in organizing their development are among the reasons that have shaped the current situation. How the experience of space and user perception is one of the most important effective ways in determining the correct entry limit and qualities of the entry points of cities. In this study, using questionnaires, interviews, and field observations in the form of a combined model of Lynch, Nassar, and Appliard, objectives such as determining the boundaries and reviewing the eastern entrance of Sanandaj from the Hamedan axis are followed according to users' environmental perception and analysis of gender differences from the extracted maps of the above triple models.
The uncertainty of the entrance boundaries of cities as one of the main obstacles of design, the multiplicity of views and diversity of opinions about the entrances of cities, made it necessary to conduct this research. The nature of the data is qualitative and documentary and library studies form the basis of interpreting the survey and field concepts used in this research.
This article seeks to answer the question that despite the existence of gender differences among all members of society, which originate from cultural, social, education, age, etc., a specific framework for gender differences in the perception of entry points can be considered?
Findings of the study, while confirming the existence of perceptual differences based on gender, according to what was obtained in the process of collecting cognitive maps and interviews with statistical samples, in the form of seven criteria "orientation, position recognition, range visualization, scale, proportions, qualities, Details »A common framework between women and men maps was developed and discussed.


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