Analytical Study of Metal Oil-Lamps of Harandi Museum, Kerman

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D., Archaeology, Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Humanities, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran. (Graduated Student)

2 Assistant Professor, Prehistoric Archaeology, Administration of Cultural Heritage, Tourism, and Handicrafts of Kerman, Kerman, Iran. (Corresponding Author)

3 M.A., Prehistoric Archaeology, Administration of Cultural Heritage, Tourism, and Handicrafts of Kerman, Kerman, Iran.


Oil lamps had a great diversity in form, ornaments, and production techniques during the Islamic era. They were widely used due to the "simplicity of light production", "availability of raw materials such as tallow, fat, and wicks", and "suitable dimensions and weight". The advancements in metalworking, especially during the middle Islamic centuries, made various kinds of metal oil lamps to be produced. Several metal oil lamps are kept in the Harandi Museum of Kerman, which have never been brought to the attention of researchers and have not been introduced despite their importance in terms of forms and ornaments. The purpose of this research is to study the typology, explain the manufacturing techniques, introduce the origin, and analyze the relationship of these oil lamps with samples from other lands. The questions are: What types of these oil lamps are included in terms of form, ornaments, and manufacturing technique? How is their influence with the examples of other lands? The samples were collected and studied in the field (in the Harandi museum) and some data were used in a documentary method (published studies). Typology and analysis have also been done based on the comparison of Harandi samples with published works. Based on the results, the oil lamps of the Harandi Museum are divided into spherical, teardrop, and hexagonal in terms of shapes and structure. Some of them have linear or circular ornaments, Kufic inscriptions, and additional decorations, generally the body parts of birds. In some oil lamps, the tank and the place of the wick are integrally cast, and in others, they are cast separately and in two pieces. Also, the shape and dimensions of the handle and the presence of the base have affected the ease of use of oil lamps. Based on comparative chronology, all samples belong to the middle Islamic centuries, especially the 6th century AH. This time coincides with the Seljuk rule of Kerman (Qawardians), one of the brilliant periods of Kerman's history. Also, among these works, two groups of "official and comprehensive" and "local and regional" works can be seen.


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