Reviewing the historic-physical evolution of Bargh alley (located in historical texture of Qazvin)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.A., Department of Conservation &Restoration, Faculty of Architecture and Environmental Design, University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, (Graduated Student)

2 Full professor, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism , Iran University of Science and Technology

3 Assistant Professor, in Conservation (Building Restoration) Iran University of Science and Technology.


Historical cities are full of monuments and layers that have gradually been hidden under new layers over time or have been transformed and changed due to various factors, but nevertheless, the story of the formation of the historical cores of cities and their important and indicative elements in this Layers have been preserved Traditionally, , in the process of the conservation of historical cities in the world, it is tried to protect the historical monuments and layers of cities in a significant way so that through establishing a meaningful communication between them, can be traced to the course of the formation, transformation, evolution and transformation of the city during the different period. . Qazvin is a historical city that has been observed in the course of time, several stages of urban development and development, including the formation of the primary nucleus in the Sassanid period and the peak of urban developments in the Safavid period, and the alley of electricity and the changes made in it from the Safavid period can be studied.
This research seeks to investigate this alley through field studies, library, citing historical images and documents, while introducing the elements and structure of the neighborhood, to explain the hidden layers of the alley and also effect of elements of them on the structure of the our case. The present study was conducted using a combination of historical and descriptive analytical research methods. The documents and documents of this research include historical texts, travelogues of domestic and foreign travelers, and existing historical drawings and images. The main results of this research are recognition of Alley Bargh as one of the valuable walls and an important link between the main poles of the historical fabric of the city and the process of urban development in relation to structural elements and identifiable systems in this area.


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