Investigating and analyzing the practical and technical characteristics of Azodi (Amir) Bridge on the Kor River

Document Type : Research Paper


Historical Monuments Restoration Department, Faculty of Arts, Semnan University, Iran


There are many examples of historical and practical structures known as bridge-dams on the rivers of Iran, which, in addition to facilitating traffic on both sides of the river, caused the water level to rise and irrigated fields and started mills. made it possible In recent years, studies have been carried out on these structures, including Amir Dam Bridge in Fars Province. The problem is that most of these studies are descriptive and are limited to the description of the history, application, shape of architectural components and materials, and in few cases the engineering mechanism and technical understanding of the ancestors in their design and construction have been discussed. Therefore, in the current research, the analysis and explanation of the forces and stresses on the Amir Bridge-Dam, in order to understand it technically, is of interest. The hypothesis of this research states that the shape characteristics of Amir Bridge-Dam have a decisive role on its stability and the design and construction of this bridge-Dam has been done based on the understanding of the forces and behavior of the structural components. The purpose of this research is to explain the static and dynamic forces on the Amir Bridge-Dam structure and a new and practical look at the construction of such historical engineering works. In this article, the most important static and hydrostatic issues affecting the stability of Amir Bridge-Dam have been investigated. This research has been done with descriptive-analytical method and data collection has been done with two documentary methods and field studies, also data analysis has been done based on the basics of structural engineering sciences. The results of the research show that the Amir Bridge has shown good stability during ten centuries, under numerous stresses and countless changes in the amount of stresses. This stability is the result of the intelligent considerations and preparations of the designer and builders, in its shape and construction, which expresses the practical knowledge of the ancients in the engineering of water structures.


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Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 26 November 2023
  • Receive Date: 10 September 2023
  • Revise Date: 19 September 2023
  • Accept Date: 26 November 2023