Consideration of climate impact on contextual and rural architecture in cold and mountainous climate) Case Study : Ghale Balla village in Shahrood)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 جنب پارک سوکان پردیس شماره ۲ دانشگاه سمنان

2 - University of Tehran - - College of Fine Arts


One of the significant discussions in the field of architecture is designing of buildings based on their context. This context have several types (for example climate , topography , vegetation , urban and rural texture , material , history , culture) .Contextualism is based on this principle that a phenomenon cannot be imagined separately from environment and each phenomenon affects its environment and also affected by it and they interact with each other. The contextual architecture objectives are : The determinant of geometry and architectural forms , To respect the architectural heritage , To create harmony between adjacent buildings of different periods or styles , To create a visually beautiful view , To assimilate and balance between architecture and urban texture , To understand methods for making a consistent relationship between buildings and the natural environment.
Climatic contextualism is one of the significant discussions in contextual architecture which is also resulted to sustainable building, in sustainable architecture, the building must have a good balance with the site and optimally using the ground and materials. One of the most important factors in designing and formation of rural contexts is climate. The effect of climate on each single construction and the contexts of villages can be observed easily. The purpose of this research is to answer this question What effect do each of the climatic factors have on contextual architecture The architecture of buildings and villages in foothills is one of the most noticeable appearance related to the influence of context on architecture. As a sample of a village having valuable and stepped architecture and having cold and mountainous climate Ghale Balla village located in Shahrood was chosen and a lot of attempts were made to study the effects of climate factors on the village context. The approach of research is analytical-descriptive using library and documentary studies and field observation for collecting data. In this research, after recognizing and analyzing the background attitude concepts and background attitude architecture, autochthonous and rural architecture of Iran mountainous regions were studied and then the effect of each climate factors such as temperature, rainfall,.... on the formation of rural contexts and their autochthonous features in were studied The influence of climate on many features of vernacular architecture is evident. And finally the results show that the native and rural architecture in cold and mountainous regions in Iran (and also in Ghale Balla village in Shahrood) is mostly background attitude and related to context since a lot of consideration is regarded to the regional climate features in construction of all parts of buildings and rural contexts. And attempts have been made to ensure that none of the parts conflict with the climatic characteristics of the region so that they can provide thermal comfort with minimal energy consumption.


Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 26 November 2023
  • Receive Date: 22 September 2020
  • Accept Date: 07 July 2021