Improving the Quality of Livability in Historical Urban Textures Case study: Historical Textures of Semnan

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran

2 Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Tarbiat Modares University,Teharn, Iran

3 Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Social Sciences,, Allameh Tabatabae University, Tehran, Iran


Historical textures as a part of the city with historical and cultural background have an undeniable reality of physical and architectural values and also are considered to have the social identity of the inhabitants of that city. However, following the changes in the urbanization process in recent decades and the consequences of the influx and concentration of population and activities in the central part of cities, these textures suffered a physical, economic and social decline. This process caused, over time, historical textures to lose their dynamism and quality of life and not be able to meet the new needs of urban communities. Based on this, the present study has investigated and promoted livability in the historical textures of Semnan. The research method was descriptive-analytical and by examining the relevant texts, indicators and sub-indicators related to the concept of livability were extracted. Based on the mentioned indicators, the required questions were designed and by conducting in-depth interviews with 18 people living in the historical textures and achieving theoretical saturation, the required data for analysis were obtained. Using the grounded theory approach and performing three coding steps (open, axial and selective), the final categories were extracted and placed in the context of causal, contextual, interventional, interactions / strategies and consequences. Based on these cases, a paradigm diagram of the grounded theory was presented and the final theory was obtained in order to improve the quality of livability in the historical textures of Semnan. The results show that the provision and fair distribution of service facilities, intermediate development, security in public spaces, modernization of the old body with new and compatible uses, creating an identity and sense of place, managing the builder in the historical textures and gaining trust and resident participation is one of the most important strategies to reduce the problems of historical textures and increase their livability.
