Investigating the effects of user-centered design approach in the design of office products using aesthetic parameters

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master's student, Industrial Design, Islamic Azad University, Research Sciences Unit, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Ph.D. graduate, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran



Office products play an important role in facilitating productivity and efficiency in the modern work environment. What can be very effective in improving the design process is the user-centered design approach. Considering the high importance of office products in Iran, user-centered design approach can be used to improve the performance, beauty and efficiency of products. By integrating aesthetic principles and a user-centered approach, designers can create products in the field of office supplies that are not only functional, but also aesthetically pleasing and psychologically stimulating, ultimately creating a space that Create the least amount of fatigue and improve the work process. User-centered design methodology emphasizes understanding user needs and preferences through research and observation. This approach ensures that office products not only meet their intended goals, but also match individual preferences and behaviors. By using aesthetic parameters, this topic can be expanded and by creating a sense of relaxation in the users of the office desk set that has the most connection with the users during the day. One of the important aspects of user-centered design in the design of office products is the integration of aesthetic parameters. Aesthetics is beyond visual appeal, which includes the sensory experience of users of a product, including form, color, material, and even sound. By considering these elements, designers can create office products that not only fulfill the intended function, but also strengthen positive emotional responses and shared feelings in the work space.Today's employees prefer a workspace that is not only functional but also aesthetically inspiring. This change of perspective has increased the emphasis on user-centered design in the development of office products. User-centered design prioritizes understanding user needs, preferences, and behaviors to create products that increase productivity, well-being, and overall job satisfaction. This article examines how these factors intertwine to create an environment. Considers a more effective and enjoyable work. When office tools are aesthetically pleasing and well designed, they promote a sense of comfort and visual satisfaction. This positive aesthetic effect can indirectly increase productivity and motivation and enhance the overall work experience.


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