Research on the Ale-Buyid cloth’s motifs from morphological point of view Case study: images of Andarz Name(Qabus Name) Qabus Name-Ibn- Woshmgir

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Member of the Faculty of Painting , Assistant Professor,painting Group, Faculty of Engineering, university of Zanjan. Zanjan, Iran

2 assistant Professor, Research Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran,Iran



The clothing of the characters in the Manuscripts and historical texts of Iran is one of the sources used for research on the motif and decorative symbols in cloth. One of the illustrated manuscripts throughout the history of Iran is the Book of Instructions or Qabus Nameh. According to the sources, this book is divided into three parts .A part of a book called Andrznameh or Qabus Nameh is kept in the Cincinnati Museum The part that is kept in the Cincinnati Museum is 21 page, which is an illustrated version and has pictures. The clothes depicted in this version are very diverse The decoration of the clothes in the pictures of the characters in the book of Andraznameh or Qabus Nameh is different based on the position of the owner of the clothes. The geometry of these motifs uses a fixed pattern and is similar to the geometry structure in the fabric motifs left from the Al-Buyid period. The results of this research, which is a qualitative-analytical and descriptive method, show that the fixed geometric patterns in the role of clothes have a systematic structure that is similar to its contemporary period. From the point of view of the structure of motifs, the decoration of the clothes of Andraznameh characters has a geometric system, and next to it, the places where inscriptions are usually are empty. It mostly includes plant motifs. Animal motifs such as birds, which are characteristic of early Islamic fabric motifs, are rarely seen. Among these plant motifs, geometric structure in Iranian style can be recognized. Regarding the location of the inscriptions, due to their abundance, the priority is to draw them on the upper part of the sleeve and then on the front of the chest, without the themes of Quranic verses and prayers.


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Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 30 September 2024
  • Receive Date: 17 June 2024
  • Revise Date: 22 September 2024
  • Accept Date: 14 July 2024