Investigating the Impact of User-Centered Design Approach on Office Product Design Using Aesthetic Parameters

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master’s student, Industrial Design, Islamic Azad University, Research Sciences Unit, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Office products play a key role in facilitating efficiency and productivity in modern work environments. Therefore, improving the design process of these products can be significantly effective. A user-centered design approach plays a fundamental role in enhancing the performance, aesthetics, and functionality of office products. By combining principles of aesthetics and a user-centered approach, designers can create products that are not only practical and beautiful but also psychologically stimulating and motivational. The goal of this research is to achieve a product and environment that minimizes fatigue and improves workflow. The user-centered design methodology emphasizes understanding user needs and preferences through research and observation, ensuring that office products are aligned with individual preferences and behaviors. Well-designed and aesthetically pleasing office tools enhance user comfort and visual satisfaction. This study utilized a combined methodology including interviews, questionnaires, and observations. In this study, the opinions of 50 users regarding office products were examined, and it was concluded through interviews with users that the positive impact of aesthetics can indirectly increase efficiency and motivation, and ultimately lead to an improved overall work experience. The results indicate that user-centered design can contribute to improving the aesthetics and user satisfaction of office products and enhancing creativity, ultimately leading to increased efficiency and motivation.


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