Document Type : Research Paper
Associate Professor, Carpet Education Department, Faculty of Arts, Arak University, Arak, Iran.
Assistant Professor, Department of Graphics, Faculty of Arts, Arak University, Arak, Iran.
This article is an outcome of a field research and incurs a less theoretical aspect. Also a few sources are used in the course of the study due to the novelty of the topic. Zir Kakhi is prevalent as one of the common carpet designs and patterns in Arak whose origin is exactly not clear although some assessments consider Tabriz or Kashmar as the place of its origin. However, this design in the past was woven in Bijar, Qom and Isfahan, as well. Moreover, the Turkish city of Hereke also had a history of its production. This article attempts to study, introduce, examine and analyze the design and pattern of Zir Khaki in Arak. For this purpose, 14 carpet samples with different structural content and pattern devoid of repetition and similarity were selected. Based on this, the main question is: What are the technical and aesthetic dimensions (content composition as well as pattern and color structures) of Zir Khaki carpet design? This article is a qualitative and developmental type with a descriptive-analytical research method. The data collection approach is both library and search in Arak markets as well as online sale sites. Research findings show that the principal patterns of Zir Khaki carpets include some animal motifs such as deer, rabbit, goat, rooster, mythical and hybrid animals such as Griffin and Dalmatian, Rhytons in the form of winged-lions, phoenix (Simurgh), dragons, statues with human rhyton with wings and winged-lion shape, swords and shields, jugs, bowls, cups, teapots, pitcher, vase (a concept of life tree), medallions (human figures on circular plates) and, lamp. Although patterns and designs of “Zir Khaki” rugs of Tabriz and Kashmar are far more diverse and creative. and shields, jugs, bowls, cups, teapots, pitcher, vase (a concept of life tree), medallions (human figures on circular plates) and, lamp. Although patterns and designs of “Zir Khaki” rugs of Tabriz and Kashmar are far more diverse and creative.
Main Subjects