Document Type : Research Paper
PhD candidate, Art Research Department, Shahid University, Tehran, Iran.
Associate Professor, Faculty of Arts, Shahid University, Tehran, Iran.
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Arts, Shahid University, Tehran, Iran.
Since the woman has a suitable position in the Iranian society, studying about her and the identity that has placed her in this position is of particular importance. In this essay, the semiotics of body language is used to achieve the identity of Iranian women. Since the woman has a suitable position in the Iranian society, studying about her and the identity that has placed her in this position is of particular importance. In this essay, the semiotics of body language is used to achieve the identity of Iranian women. Body language, which is one of the non-verbal or pictorial and visual signs in social relations and communication, has the ability to convey a message through the face, look, movements and expressions of lips and eyebrows, different body postures and body movements. Since Iranian painting, which is a representative of Iranian culture and their thought, could be the best container to represent extra-linguistic communication actions, and by analyzing the concepts of body language in female illustrated characters, it has been tried to recognize the identity of Iranian women by searching in painting. In this way, a comparative study of two artworks with the same theme "Sheikh San’aan and Christian girl "from the Safavid and contemporary period has been selected, with the aim of identifying the hidden messages and concepts hidden in body movements of women in paintings, using the semiotics of body language in these paintings and identify how the development of female identity is discussed. The research method in this research is descriptive-analytical and the results show that the differences between these two artworks that women's identity has undergone a fundamental change that despite the changing conditions governing the society and the integration of Iranian culture with Western culture, the view of women and her place in culture and Iranian society has evolved.
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