Document Type : Research Paper
Assistant Professor, Handicrafts Education Department, Faculty of Art, Architecture and Urban Planning, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran
Master's student, Art Research, Faculty of Art, Architecture and Urban Planning, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran
Member of the Islamic Culture and Art Department of the Astan Quds Razavi Islamic Research Foundation
Throughout history, many artists have tried to bring out their artistic creations in various artistic forms, in certain places and times, and in the light of this artistic creation, to display their religious and religious beliefs. Motahar Razavi Shrine, as a unique collection of arts as a religious place, shows the art and devotion of Iranians and especially Muslim artists towards Hazrat Reza (AS).Numerous artists have worked in this holy place in different historical periods and have created various buildings and works of art with their art, and in this way, they have made a significant contribution to the increase of spirituality, beauty and human connection with this spiritual place.The purpose of this article is to identify the types of art disciplines and artists who have played a role in the decoration and formation of the art and architecture in the Motahar-Razavi shrine from the beginning to the end of the Pahlavi period. Therefore, the following questions are organized around the purpose of the article: 1- What is the status of the artworks left in the shrine according to the field-artist? 2- Which historical period do the most and least works left in the Holy Shrine belong to? The research method is quantitative content analysis, which has been done in two ways: studying the content of historical documents and related to the subject of the shrine, as well as studying the works left by artists.The statistical population of this research includes all the artists whose works were left in the shrine during the studied period. The findings of the research indicate the identification of 160 artists in 18 art disciplines who have created works of art for the holy shrine throughout history. The art field of calligraphy and inscription writing has the largest number of artists, while the applied art field has the fewest artists and the fewest works. The Qajar period is considered the most productive historical period in terms of the creation of works of art in the shrine.
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