Analysis of the Role of Fractal Geometry in Iranian Cultural Symbols (Case study of Iranian University Symbols)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.A. in Graphics, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Art & Architecture Department, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Art Department, Rasam University, Karaj, Iran


Fractal art can be presented in simple, reproducible language that is at the same time orderly in the postmodern world. In fractal art, such as visual arts, visual elements such as dots, lines, surfaces, etc. have been used to combine and repeat them and have been expressed in complex shapes and beautiful visual textures. Fractal is an interdisciplinary art related to geometry and mathematics and plays a major role in today's world. It should be said that fractal knowledge makes a unique design possible for the artist. This study intends to investigate the role of fractals in Iranian cultural symbols. In this research, we seek to find fractal applications in signs and with the concern of the audience and the nature of naturalism of art, how can effective and practical solutions be obtained from fractal geometry and new visual patterns in interaction with the audience. The purpose of this study is to get acquainted with fractal geometry and its effect on art; through analysis, adaptation and scientific studies on this geometry, new and practical designs of signs could be achieved. The question arises in which part of art, the traces of fractal geometry can be seen more and it seems that fractal geometry as one of the important tools with a scientific basis in the direction of graphic art can be used more. The research method of this research is descriptive-analytical and the method of collecting information in the form of documents and specific sources about fractals and signs is scattered and more in the form of articles. Fractal has the ability to be widely used as a theoretical basis in logo design.


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